The concrete of the sewage disposal system be corroded by various corrosion contaminant, which caused the structural strength descend; which made it is impossible to attain the request of term of service, which meanings need more resource and energy. 污水处理系统中的混凝土构筑物常年受到各种腐蚀介质的侵蚀,导致结构强度下降,无法达到使用期限的要求,造成能源和资源的浪费。
Study on the corrosion of structural engineering material in sulfur-containing gas at high-temperature is of considerable industrial importance. Sulfur is an unavoidable contaminant in hot combustion atmospheres derived from coals and other fuels. 研究结构工程材料在高温含硫气氛中的腐蚀行为在工业生产中非常重要。